Internet Business Services (Lenders)

Commercial & Private

High-Profit, Low-Risk Portfolios Procured By Attorneys, CPAs & MBAs.

Internet Business Services (Borrowers)

Business & Individual

Risk-Sensitive, Deferred-Funding & Credit-Friendly Alternative Options.

Internet Business Services (Partners)

Management & Marketing

High-Impact, Cost-Effective Lead Generation & Client Cultivation Strategies.


Our Commercial Lenders include banks and loan companies from the commercial sector. Our Private Lenders include individuals and private equity groups from the private sector. We specialize in high-profit and low-risk, consumer & business loan portfolios. Procurement processes are managed by teams of Attorneys, CPAs & MBAs.

Our Individual Borrowers include clients with high credit utilization seeking consolidation options. Our Small Business Borrowers include companies with limited equity seeking unsecured lines of credit.
We specialize in risk-sensitive, deferred-funding & credit-friendly alternative options. Solutions are custom designed & individually tailored.

Our Management Partners include partners with fulfillment limitations seeking to increase production. Our Marketing Partners include partners with scaling limitations seeking to expand their sales programs. We specialize in high impact & cost effective, lead generation & client cultivation. Marketing strategies are crafted to compliment business strategy.

Mission Statement

Our CPAs, Attorneys and MBAs provide the expertise, integrity and perseverance necessary to craft strategies that reflect our core values. Accountability, honesty and respect serve as keystones for our core value philosophy. We regard “Multilateral Responsibility” as the prevalent indicator for accountability. We regard “Voluntary Disclosure” as the prevalent indicator for honesty. We regard “Positive Cause/Effect” as the prevalent indicator for respect. We achieve success through the creation of competitive advantage and development of goodwill.


Satisfied Clients


Years Of Experience


Success Rate


Completed Transactions